Павилион за изолация и медитация в сърцето на търговски център
1st annual architecture competition of indoor equipment on the subject of the creation of an isolation and meditation pavilion in the heart of a shopping mall >www.athensheartdesignaward.com/en
The management of the Athens Heart shopping mall in association with the companies of OfficeTwentyFiveArchitects G.P and ArchiTeam NGO announce the organisation of an open architectural competition entitled: “ATHENS HEART DESIGN AWARD” designing indoor equipment. The project is about the construction of an isolation-meditation space within the busy environment of a mall.
The participants are called to design a space where the visitors of the Athens Heart Mall can isolate themselves from the crowd. A pavilion for one person or two people, of maximum area 5 m2. This space, integrated into the shared environment of a mall, can offer some moments of relaxation and privacy. It also should have the ability to support the latest media and the newest technologies (wireless WiFi, touch screens, tablets etc.) in order to project a more interactive nature.
The competition shall be completed in one single phase and ArchiTeam NGO and OfficeTwentyFiveArchitects G.P. jointly have the responsibility for its conduction.
The members of the Jury Committee, that also includes a representative of Athens Heart, are architects, widely acknowledged for their architectural work in Greece and abroad and academics highly esteemed for their academic career in Architectural Schools.
All proposals will be presented in an exhibition that will take place inside the spaces of Athens Heart. The first award will be materialised and will remain for at least one year inside the spaces of Athens Heart.
The goal is for this competition to acquire a periodicity and to set the beginning of an institution that -having Athens Heart as a center- will house cultural and creative events and activities.
The prizes awarded are as follows:
1st Prize: cash prize of 1.500 (one thousand five hundred) euros and materialization of the project from Athens Heart
2nd Prize: 600 cash prize of (six hundred) euros
3rd Prize: 400 cash prize of (four hundred) euros
3 Honorable mentions: no cash prize
Competition schedule
19 July 2013: Registration deadline
19 July 2013: Deadline for proposals submission
26 July 2013: Proposals evaluation – Notification of the results (+online)
September 2013: Public presentation and announcement of construction
Proposal submission deadline
The proposals will address the steering committee for the ATHENSHEARTDESIGNAWARD competition. They can be delivered to ATHENS HEART or sent by post. The date of receipt is meant to be the date when the envelope of participation is received from the responsible of Athens Heart, at least by July 19th, 2013. No proposal will be accepted after this date. The proposals will be delivered at the management office of the Athens Heart shopping mall inside the Athens Heart Mall. The responsible of communication of the Athens Heart Mall on matters of receiving the participations is mrs Elisavet Athanasatou. info@athensheart.gr tel. 210-3414105.
Shipping Details
To the Steering Committee of ‘ATHENSHEARTDESIGNAWARD’
180 Pireos str, Tavros (Chamosternas junction)
Postal Code 17778 ATHENS
jury committee
The Jury Committee consists of architects, widely acknowledged for their architectural work in Greece and abroad and academics highly esteemed for their academic career in Architectural Schools.
ATHENS HEART and the co-organizers are to form a Judging Committee that consists of members that ensure through their personal work and career the competition’s open spirit.
The Judging Committee consists of the following members:
Ougrinis Konstantinos: Architect, Assistant Professor at the Technical University of Crete
Barlas-Thorbalt Costas: Architect Engineer, member of the Architects Association of Achaia
Perpatidis Antonis: Architect Engineer, representative of OfficeTwentyFiveArchitects G.P.
Vandoros Alexios: Architect Engineer, representative of Architeam NGO
Mistriotis Vassilis: Editor of GreekArchitects.gr
Theodoridis Sotiris: CEO of PASAL DEVELOPMENT S.A.